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MY GARAGE DOOR STORY from Scottsdale, AZ.

One day in early January of this year our garage door would not open. I pulled the cord disconnecting the gear from the door thinking I could manually lift the door. Clearly the balancing spring broke so the door would not open.

So now the story of obtaining a repair service begins. Repair quotes went from $10,000 to $239.

I went online and based on Yelp Reviews called a few garage door repair services. 

The first company pointed out my entire door made of some compressed material was not repairable and further they said the company Wayne Dalton who made and installed the garage door in 1998 was out of business.  At any rate the tech sales person gave me his 30 minute sales pitch and the price was $10,000. To have him come out he charged $39. (Based on subsequent research  many companies sell Wayne Dalton parts and Wayne Dalton still exists.)

The second company had a similiar pitch however they were at $7,000.

I decided to call other concerns and decided to go with single sole proporator operators.

Onto the third company. This individual indicated the spring was the issue. He as others during the phone calls said they did not want to or knew how to repair the internal Wayne Dalton spring assembley. However, he recommended a replacement kit that had an external spring. His price was $750. I said OK on a Thursday and he indicated on Monday he would have the parts.

On Friday I decided to call our warranty company American Home Shield (AHS). I dred calling them as there is always a $100 charge. Further, their call center is in the Philipiens. They read from a script of rules. At any rate my contract says they cover the spring and said they would send a company on Tuesday.

So I sent a note to the third company stating I had to delay the Monday date. He sent a note back stating he won the Lottery and would no longer work. 

Onto the fourth compant that AHS sent. Again the same Wayne Dalton story. A replacement kit for the spring and that would be $750. So this company from AHS would receive $750 from me plus $450 from AHS. Another rip off.

After several calls to AHS they said I should find my own vendor and they would send me $375.

Fifth company. So more calls and I settled on a company that was a two person family business. EZ Garage Door 833-239-6578. There fee $475. New external spring.

Total charge $475 (5th company) - $375 (credit AHS) = $100 + $100 (AHS service visit) + $39(first company service visit) = $239.00

Over the years I have used many service repair companies. The gamet is from good to real bad. Most are bad. Rating companies like Yelp are questionable as their customers are the vendors.